Vintage Hong Kong Postcards printed in the Nineties
Your selection of 10 cards at a Bundle Price - $15. Free shipping

To purchase is simple. Click the PayPal Buy Now button to process payment. After this, send us an email with your PayPal order number and your choice of the TEN cards (use ref number to indicate). Your order can be a mix of any cards that featured in this site (if the item is still available), including Vintage Hong Kong, works by Lee Ka-sing or other artists. You can even decide on multi quantity of certain item. Anyhow, a $15 bundle order will be good for TEN cards. In case you want to purchase more than 10 cards, you can multiply your order at shopping cart. We offer free shipping.

POSTCARD HONG KONG is under the management of Ocean and Pounds.
Write to us at

We are located at 50 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto. We operate the INDEXG gallery shop as well. If you are in Toronto, please visit our shop, for sure you will find more items. Shop opens Wednesday to Sunday, from 1 to 5 pm.